Basé au cœur de Paris, Obvision est un studio hybride de design et de recherche qui propose des services allant du design d'identité et d'espace au design d'objet, en passant par la stratégie de design et la direction artistique.
Nous sommes particulièrement sensibles à l'innovation, aux besoins émergents et aux transformations des usages. Avec nos clients, nous créons des marques uniques, prêtes à relever les défis de demain.
We have adopted a work methodology combining research and experimentation with an interdisciplinary global design mode.

Graduates of ENSCI Les-Ateliers, Tobias Nickerl and Zifan Wang founded the Obvision studio in Paris in 2020. Respectively German and Chinese, the mix of their cultural approaches makes them complementary, and they share a common vision of design as a vector of innovation.
That's why, after having collaborated with several design agencies and worked for a variety of clients (Montale, EDF R&D, Jean-Marie Massaud, Fabernovel…), they decided to set up their creative studio together to give substance to their vision of design.
Their aim is to make Obvision a place for exchange and encounters, bringing together a wide range of players who are forward-looking and open to the world.